№2 (April-June 2021)

№ 2 (April-June 2021)

Dear authors and readers of our magazine!

This is the second issue of the scientific journal Hominum. It was prepared in difficult conditions of the transition from a tough lockdown to a free and day-to-day life. But this did not happen, and epidemic restrictions cover again both society and education system. Therefore, part of the materials in our issue is devoted to the comprehension of events, phenomena and processes occurring in education in the context of a massive transition to remote forms of organizing educational activities.

During the pandemic and distance learning we saw not only many disadvantages, but a lot of advantages of learning and working in a virtual environment. Large scale studies are still ahead, too little time has passed for this. However, the first developments in this direction already exist, and we are ready to discuss them.

Chief Editor — Alexander Ilyich Savenkov

  • Assuirova L. V., Khaimovich L.V. Punctuation marks as a means of forming figures of speech
    Annotation. The article is devoted to the punctuation marks that allow to formalize the figures of speech-syntactic means of expression that give the text a special emotional and personalized shade. The authors show the expressive function of punctuation marks, calling them the markers of figures of speech, that makes it possible to determine which figure of speech is used in the text. The article gives a brief overview of the history of the origin of the term «figure», which originates in Ancient Greece. It is important that for many centuries this means of expression has not lost its significance and in modern times, in addition to being in demand when creating the speech, the knowledge about it has been introduced into the programs of the unified state exam. The authors consider in detail and illustrate such punctuation marks as dashes (a means of forming syntactic parallelism, antitheses, zevgmas, and other figures) and ellipses (a default figure, a parcellation, and other figures). As examples, authors use the aphorisms and texts of famous authors as well as texts created by students during practical classes, which gives the article a methodological character and demonstrates the effectiveness of studying these speech signs and productivity when writing an essay.Knowing that punctuation marks are indicators of a particular figure allows students to see them in the text and correctly and formalize them in their own speech work. The teacher can motivate students to use these means of expression and create their own original utterance.
    Key words: word figure, punctuation mark, expressiveness, emotions, function, figure indicator.
  • Maslov V.G. The book – the boor humanizing the man.
    The article is about the fact that it so happened that linguists do not take part in the creation of primers. In the literary book, they probably think that creating a primer is not a tricky business, and there is no need to invite linguists. However, in our small material, as it turned out, it is necessary for linguists to participate in the creation of the primer.
    Keywords: alphabet, alphabet, Cyril alphabet, primer, primer, book, speech, word, student.
  • Murodhodjaeva N.S., Averin S.A., Romanova M.A., Serebrennikova Yu.A. Continuity of preschool and primary education by means of STEM-education.
    Abstract. The article reveals the potential of introducing the author’s program «STEM education of preschool and primary school children» as a means of managing the process of succession in a modern educational organization. The specific content of continuity at the level of educational modules of the program is reflected, as well as the results of monitoring the effectiveness of systemic implementation of the program in educational organizations.
    Keywords: continuity, STEM education, preschool level of education, initial general level of education, implementation, educational module.
  • Savenkov А.I. Psychological and pedagogical narratives for the development of concepts and methods of digital remote support of contact learning.
    Annotation. The unexpected pandemic has exposed a number of problems of modern education and served as a catalyst for a number of processes that have been manifested for a long time, but were slowly introduced into educational practice. Probably, our education was a step away from a new technological era and it needed a boost, which was given by the pandemic, which forced students and school teachers, students and teachers to simultaneously switch to remote technologies. Before the advent of this digital revolution, many of us thought that we were slowly, but steadily and consistently introducing digital technologies into education, but we are still far from a bright «digital future». The events of the last year have shown that this is not the case, and there is nothing futuristic about the widespread introduction of distance technologies in education. Since the article contains not so much a rigorous scientific analysis based on objective data, but rather a self-created narrative about some more.
    Keywords: psychological and pedagogical narratives, distance education, academic mobility, digital technologies in education.
  • Shchankina Yu.I. The concept «dream» as a dominant of contemporary female prose.
    Abstract. The article analyzes one of the semantic dominants of women’s prose – the concept of «dream», traces its evolution and features of its implementation in Russian classical literature and modern women’s prose. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century. in Russian classical literature, a number of ideas about the dream are widespread, for example: the dream as the highest meaning, the ability of the human spiritual essence to rise above everyday life and everyday life; dream as a negative phenomenon that can harm a person; dream as an image of an ideal future and ideal «I»; dream as a way to satisfy ambitions at the expense of a child; dream as the achievement of certain benefits. Modern women’s prose continues the tradition of using a similar interpretation of the concept, combining it with the peculiarities of the female mentality.
    Keywords: concept, female prose, dominant, worldview, character, motive.
  • Shumkina О.N. Transformation of the genre of school composition in a modern educational environment.
    Annotation. The article deals with the problem of teaching younger students to write an essay. Using the example of an essay based on a painting, for which there are different methodological approaches, it is shown that in the modern educational environment, essays traditional for school practice can be changed. One of the reasons for the transformation of the essay genre is the low level of motivation of students. An increase in the efficiency of work on an essay based on a painting is seen by introducing a communicative motive into the speech activity of primary schoolchildren and organizing training in such a way as to stimulate the desire in children to speak about the subject of speech — an object of art, a painting. In addition, children have difficulties in writing text, language design. Awareness of the purpose of communication allows you to reach the concept of relevance, correspondence of speech to a communicative situation, as the most appropriate use of words for this case, as well as preventing mistakes when creating a text. The formation of stylistic skills of schoolchildren is also facilitated by reading and interpreting an art history text in speech development lessons. Preparation for writing an essay becomes the main stage of work on a painting, and the essay itself approaches the essay addressed to the audience. The text of the essay can be created in the genre of excursion speech. The creation of a natural communicative situation contributes to the realization of the creative abilities of schoolchildren.
    Keywords: stylistic skills, school composition, genre, composition based on a picture.
  • Varava V.V. The courage of thinking, or heraclites missing about a man.
    Annotation. The review examines the problem field of modern philosophical anthropology on the example of a new book by N.N. Rostova «The problem of man in modern philosophy». A common thread running through the entire book is the idea of the disappearance of man in modern philosophy. This is a rather paradoxical situation, which is gradually comprehended and partly solved in the monograph under review. It is shown how the author explores those modern intellectual contexts in which the idea of human exclusivity is discredited. In the field of critical optics of the author — naturalism in philosophy (J.-M. Schaeffer, S. Pinker, J. Harri, F. Descola, etc.), posthumanism, radical ecologists, biotechnologists, in whose constructions the classical opposition «man-technology-nature» is disappeared. As a response to the challenge to human existence, the author turns to the spiritual and metaphysical layers of Russian philosophy, which is also represented by modern anthropological projects capable of resisting the onslaught of anthropological nihilism and displaying such a rare property today as «courage to think».
    Keywords: man, philosophical anthropology, Western philosophy, philosophical anthropology, ethics, metaphysics, Russian philosophy, Moscow anthropological school.
  • Voikin I.А., Chervova А.А. Analysis of scientific approaches to research
    Annotation. At present, the concept of readiness, which entered the scientific circulation more than half a century ago, continues to arouse increased research interest. This is due to the specificity of readiness for professional activity in various branches of human activity, the desire of scientists to concretize the content of this concept, to establish its mandatory components. In this regard, in each branch of knowledge, the concept of readiness has its own specifics. However, in some activities, especially in those where the specialist works in circumstances that may pose a danger to life and health, the establishment of the components of the concept of preparedness is of particular importance. Тaking as a basis the analysis of the most well-known approaches in the human sciences to the definition of «readiness for professional activity», as well as those competencies that a graduate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations must acquire according to the Federal State Educational Standards, the authors develop their own, which most closely corresponds to the specifics of the specialty «Fire safety» is the definition of the readiness for professional activity of a graduate of the higher school of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
    Keywords: fire safety, professional activity, university graduate, readiness, federal state educational standard, competencies, Ministry of Emergency Situations, cadet.