
Dear colleagues,

The magazine «HOMINUM» («HUMAN EXISTING») is an scientific interdisciplinary publication devoted to study the main directions of human life.

The journal has a metasubject nature as the key concept for us is «human»: a biological species of Homo Sapiens, existing in various forms of social organization, possessing a complex system of intellectual and emotional abilities (qualities) and endowed with a unique individuality (M.A. Manuilsky). The structure of the journal is determined by three aspects: a human as a person; institutions influencing the formation of a human-personality; the human setting the vectors of enlightenment.

The editorial board includes leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of education.

Chief Editor — Alexander Ilyich Savenkov, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, Professor of Psychology Department, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor.

The purpose of the journal is to provide opportunities for professional discussion of problems related to the development of modern education.

The most important principle of the journal’s work is interdisciplinarity in highlighting problems of human existence, which is possible only with the integrated use of techniques and methods of such sciences as traditional pedagogy, psychology, sociology and cultural studies.

In this regard, the journal accepts articles in the following specialties:

5.3.1 — General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology
5.3.4 — Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments
5.3.5 — Social psychology, political and economic psycholog
5.3.7 — Age psychology
5.8.1 — General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
5.8.2 — Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by level of education)
5.8.7 — Methodology and technology of vocational education
5.10.1 — Theory and history of culture, art
5.12.1 — Interdisciplinary studies of cognitive processes
5.12.3 — Interdisciplinary language studies

The journal contains the following content sections:

Editor Column

Academic Studies

Topical Issues of Training and Education Practice

Problems of Culture and Education

Chronography of Pedagogy

Based on Conference Proceedings

Book Review

Memorable Dates

Anniversary of the Scientist

Letters to the Editor

          The target audience. This is a scientific and educational publication for researchers, analysts and educational practitioners of the country’s leading educational institutions, educational management institutions, research institutes, analytical and public educational organizations, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the development of education in modern society.

Publication in the journal is free of charge.