№1 (2022) en

№1 (january —  march 2022)

Agapov I. G. What to take from the soviet school into the future and why it is not possible to stay in the present?

Annotation. The article presents the author’s view on the competence-based approach in education, which is based on the readiness and ability of an individual to act, which affect the knowledge and direct experience acquired through cognitive activity. All this is an integral part of the integration of the individual into society. The author transfers the functionality of the human palm (each of its fingers) from conflictology to pedagogy, fills each finger with a special pedagogical meaning, shows how the pedagogical palm works. The article shows the reasons hindering the development of domestic education, a peaceful way out of the revolutionary situation is outlined. The movement of the student from the information paradigm through the knowledge paradigm to the competency paradigm is demonstrated. A feature of this article is the way of presenting information, since it was written by a practical scientist. The author firmly believes that the method is the essence of the content, and in order to make the student independent, resourceful, capable, he must be immersed in the secrets of preparing knowledge. In the foreseeable future, formative assessment should be replaced by such a unit of measurement of educational work as a change (restructuring, reorganization) of the student’s individual direct experience.

Keywords: readiness and ability to act, knowledge, direct experience, competence, reflection.


Arkadjeva O.V. Requirements for the formation of meta-subject results in third generation standarts

Abstract. The article discusses the requirements for the formation of meta-subject results, set out in the standards of different generations. The author analyzed how the requirements for the formation of such results have changed, what is the peculiarity of the teacher’s work at the primary stage of education, why it is important to form universal learning activities. Some methodological materials, recommendations are considered in detail, revealing the methodological features of the organization of the lesson, personality development, cognitive, regulatory and communicative educational activities intended for the teacher. In addition, the article offers some methodological recommendations on the methods of teacher’s activity during the lessons, which contribute to the formation of meta-subject results.

Keywords: meta-subject results, third generation standards, federal state educational standards of general primary education, cognitive universal learning activities.


Borisova M.M., Pavlova N.P., Shukshina S.E. Interaction of the city university and the school in the organization of educational work with students

Annotation. The article presents the characteristics of the network interaction of the school and the university as an innovative practice in the field of education, highlights its specific features and key principles, defines and justifies the organizational conditions that ensure the mutually beneficial development of educational organizations in accordance with their capabilities. Based on the national educational ideal and basic universal values, the priority goals of education were identified. The article presents the experience of organizing a network of educational cooperation between the city Pedagogical University and the educational complex «School in Kapotna»: the requests, expectations and deficits of the school in the organization of educational work are identified; the working program of the school’s education is analyzed; the university’s resource capabilities are evaluated. Based on the collected data, the main directions of interaction are formulated: socio-pedagogical, educational-methodical, scientific-methodical, research, preventive, career guidance and the content content of each of them is presented.

Keywords: networking, city university, school, educational work, education program.


Zetkin S. N. Development of theoretical and conceptual directions of the ideas of transhumanism in russia in the beginning of the XXI century

Annotation. The paper considers the concept of transhumanism, based on the analysis of developing technologies, with the help of which humanity hypothetically could radically improve the capabilities of the body and get rid of diseases, old age and death. Ontologically, the question of death and achieving immortality is one of the basic ones and remains relevant throughout the history of mankind.

The author consistently analyzes the ideas of cryonics, futurology, gerontology, within the framework of which there is a philosophical understanding of the ideas of transhumanism. In conclusion, it is concluded that transhumanism, although in its pathos it relies on the achievements of technical science, biology and medicine, has nothing to do with them yet. It remains a theory within the framework of philosophy, which sometimes crosses the boundaries of psychology and religion.

Keywords: transhumanism, cryonics, geranthology, futurology, philosophy.


Kintsel A. E. The state of the problem of formation of metacognitive skills in middle-level students in solving educational tasks as a factor of academic success in the educational practice of the school

Annotation. The article examines the current state of one of the urgent problems of the modern educational process — the formation of metacognitive skills among middle-level students in solving educational tasks.The process of forming these skills is determined as a factor of academic success at school. In addition, the formation of cognitive skills is considered not only in the context of the development of mental functions, but also during the activation of educational activities, which allows the use of various pedagogical means to achieve academic success of students. The article emphasizes the special relevance of the problem at the stage of teaching adolescents in secondary school.

The main purpose of the study is to study the problem of the formation of metacognitive skills in middle-level students when solving educational tasks. The study reflects the consideration of the content of academic performance in the context of general academic performance and highlighting the specifics of these concepts. The author emphasizes the relevance of the relationship of metacognitive skills in middle-level students with the content and complexity of the proposed educational tasks, as well as the consideration of these skills in the context of overall success and the construction of the educational trajectory of students with different levels of academic performance.

The article provides a theoretical analysis of general and specific concepts related to academic success in a middle-level school and their impact on the formulation and definition of educational task and depending on the level of metacognitive skills and universal competencies of students.

Keywords: metacognitive skills, learning competencies, academic success, learning objectives, educational space, secondary education, educational process


Kleimenova E.Yu. The possibilities of modern teaching methods in the russian language when teaching younger schoolchildren the genre of historical narrative

Annotation. In modern elementary school, the Russian language, along with literary reading, forms the literacy of younger schoolchildren, contributing to their spiritual and moral education. It is in primary school that the education of a citizen and a patriot continues, the abilities and talents of young citizens are revealed, the formation of which begins at preschool age. Special attention should be paid to the history, which contains information about the glorious past of our country, about heroes, about people who embody a model of patriotism, are a model for the formation of young patriots and citizens of the country. Plots, heroes, all those components that in general make up the concept of historical narrative. Teaching historical narrative in primary philological education is an urgent issue. In the reading activity of younger schoolchildren, familiarity with the historical narrative is one of the most difficult areas of work, requiring special training for both the teacher and the student.

Keywords: historical narrative, the possibilities of modern UMK in the Russian language.


Rodionova Yu. N. Yelemeshina N.N. Methodological support of teachers on the education of patriotic feelings in preschool children

Annotation. The article emphasizes the importance of patriotic education of preschoolers, assesses the implementation of the education of patriotic feelings among preschoolers in a Moscow preschool educational organization based on questioning educators, monitoring their direct educational activities, analyzing the developing subject-spatial environment of groups and calendar-perspective planning. It also considers the possibilities of using methodological support for teachers to improve the effectiveness of their educational activities in raising patriotic feelings in children and proposes a set of forms of methodological support for teachers that increase their professional competence in this aspect.

Key words: preschool children, education of patriotic feelings, methodological support of teachers.


Simonova S. A. Ideas of ethical and aesthetic synthesis in russian symbolism

Annotation. The article examines the problem of ethical and aesthetic synthesis in the works of Russian symbolists. The author substantiates the necessity of the relationship between ethics and aesthetics, examines the ethical ideas of Andrei Bely, Alexander Blok, Fyodor Sologub and Vyacheslav Ivanov. As a result of the analysis, the conclusion is made about the original attempts to create an «aesthetic ethics». Despite the trends of aestheticization in the culture of the Silver Age, Russian symbolists sought to implement the ethical component in their work. Alexander Blok attempts to separate the categories of the beautiful and the beautiful, believing that the predominance of the outwardly beautiful led to the decline of the sublime, the idea of synthesis collapsed. It is necessary to return the sublime to the sphere of art. Andrei Bely talks about creating a creative ethic based on the symbolism of beauty. The poet develops the concept of the mystery as the embodiment of living knowledge and harmony, embodying the freedom of creativity. Fedor Sologub calls for demands from his colleagues to carry out a symbolic projection on the category of beauty, introduces the term «creative legend». He believes that ancient symbols can transform culture and man in creativity. Vyacheslav Ivanov believes symbolism contributes to the return of art to the sphere of nationality, anticipates the emergence of folk art. He divides symbolism into idealistic and realistic, giving preference to the latter. Ivanov sees the origins of moral freedom in symbolic works of art, emphasizes that creative emotions are reborn into moral categories and provide an opportunity for self-improvement. However, despite the original idea of «aesthetic ethics», Russian symbolists could not overcome and outgrow their individualistic claims.

Keywords: aesthetic ethics, ethical-aesthetic synthesis, symbolism, symbol, beauty, creative ethics.


Shatunova L.V. Updating educational resources of philological training future primary school teachers

Annotation. The article presents a system of assignments for commenting on linguistic units based on intersystem and intrasystem connections, referring to the conscious use of etymological commentary and compiling a motivated use of the scientific style of speech, narratives as a means of personal attitude to the discovered facts of language development.

Keywords: educational resources of philological training; hierarchical intersystem links of units of different levels; interaction of participants in the educational process.